Current Members
Chai (Principle Investigator) - Joyce received her Ph.D. degree in
Computer Science from Duke University. She is broadly interested in
natural language processing, situated dialogue agents, multimodal
conversational systems, information
extraction and retrieval, and intelligent
user interfaces.
Qiaozi Gao (Ph.D. student) - Qiaozi received his B.S. degree in Automation
from University of Science and
of China. He is interested in natural
language processing, human-machine
interaction, semantic analysis, and
Shaohua Yang (Ph.D. student) - Shaohua received his
B.E. degree in Software Engineering from
Xi'an Jiao Tong University in July 2010
and his M.E. degree in computer science
from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in
March 2013. He is interested in
Intelligent Tutoring System and Human Computer Interaction.
Sari Saba-Sadiya (Ph.D. student) - Sari received a Bachelor in Computer Science,
and a Bachelor in Mathematics from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
He later went on to work in VLSI at
Apple Inc. before becoming a fulbright
graduate student in MSU for his Master
degree. Now his moving on towars his
Ph.D. degree
Guangyue Xu (Ph.D. student) - Guangyue received his
B.E. degree in Software Engineering from
Jilin University and his M.E. degree in
computer science from Tsinghua
University. He is interested in Human
Computer Interaction, Cognition and AI, and
Statistical Modeling and Computing.
James Peterkin II (M.S. student) - James received his B.S. degree in Computer Engineering
from Clemson University. His research
interests are natural language processing
and human-computer interaction.
Sarah Fillwock (B.S. Student / Undergraduate Research Assistant) - Sarah is currently
in her second year of pursuing a B.S. degree in Computer Science from
Michigan State University. She is generally interested in artificial intelligence,
with a focus on natural language processing and knowledge acquisition.
James Finch (B.S. Student / Undergraduate Research Assistant) - James is currently
an undergraduate student at Michigan State University pursuing a B.S. degree with
a double major in Computer Science and Psychology. He is interested broadly in
artificial intelligence, with specific interest in modeling natural language and knowledge acquisition.
Kenneth Stewart (B.S. Student / Undergraduate Research Assistant) -
Kenneth is currently an undergraduate
student at Michigan State University
pursuing a B.S. degree in Computer Science
with a double minor in Cognitive Science
and Japanese. He has a variety of interests
including artificial intelligence, computer
vision, natural language processing,
robotics, and cognitive science.
- Lanbo She (Ph.D.
2017, Microsoft Research AI)
Changsong Liu
(Ph.D. 2015, UCLA)
- Rui Fang
(Ph.D. 2014, Thomson Reuters)
- Tyler Baldwin (Ph.D. 2012, IBM Almaden Research Center)
- Matt Gerber
(Ph.D. 2011, University of Virginia)
- Zahar Prasov (Ph.D. 2010, Draper Laboratory)
- Chen Zhang (Ph.D. 2010, Snapchat)
- Shaolin Qu (Ph.D. 2009, Google)
- Mingyu Sun (Ph.D. 2006, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
- Malcolm Doering (M.S. 2015, Ph.D. student at Osaka University in Japan)
- Alex Peer (M.S. 2012, Ph.D. student at Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison)
- Brian Romanowski (M.S. 2011, Nuance)
- Minghang Cai (M.S. 2007)
- Kiran Joshi (M.S. 2005)
- Vineet Bansal (M.S. 2004)
- Austin Littley (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2014-2015)
- Spencer Ottarson (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2012-2014)
- Cody Littley (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2012-2013)
- Kenneth Hanson (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2012, 2013)
- Caitlin McDonald (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2012)
- Brandon Waterloo (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2010)
- Dianna Kay (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2010)
- Malcolm Doering (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2009)
- Marie Lazar (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2008-2009)
- Jacob Walker (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2009)
- Roy Dong (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2008)
- Timothy Aubel (Undergraduate Assistant, 2007-2008)
- Sarah Deighan (Undergraduate Assistant, 2007-2008)
- Steve Emerlander (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2007)
- Hogyeong Jeong (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2006)
- Tyler Baldwin (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2005)
- Joseph Blaim (Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2004)