Situated Human Robot Dialogue
A new generation of interactive robots have emerged in recent years to
provide service, care, and companionship for humans. To support natural
interaction between a human and these robots, technology enabling
situated dialogue becomes increasingly important. Situated dialogue
is drastically different from traditional spoken dialogue systems,
multimodal conversational interfaces, and tele-operated human robot
In situated human robot dialogue, human partners and
robots are situated and co-present in a shared physical
environment. The shared surrounding significantly affects how they
interact with each other and how the robot interprets human language and performs
tasks. In the last couple years, we have started a couple projects on
situated human robot dialogue, particularly focusing on how the
situatedness affects human robot language based interaction, and thus
techniques for situated language processing and conversation grounding.
- Contextually Grounded Discourse
for Mediating Shared Perceptual Basis in Human Robot dialgogue .
- Collaborative Model
for Interpreting Imprecise Language in Situated
Situated and Multimodal Language Processing in Virtual World
Semantic and Discourse Processing
Given a large amount of textual data (e.g., news articles, wikipedia,
weblogs, etc) available online, it has become increasingly important
for techniques that can automatically process this data, for example,
to extract event information, to answer user questions, and to make
inferences. Along these lines, we are particularly interested in the role of discourse and
pragmatics in natural language processing and their
applications. Some example projects include: